Hi, Today i bring you new Leetcode problem. Its an easy one :) The problem is - Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array As qs. explains itself we need to find a number that appears 25% times or more than the length of he array. So for example if array has length of 8 then the resultant number should appear 2 or more times. The constraints given are - 1 <= arr.length <= 100, 0 <= arr[i] <= 10 5 So, lets look at the cases which we may encounter. 1. if length is 1. then the number itself is the result. 2. if length is divisibe by 4 3. if length is not divisible by 4. Let's look at the code now... class Solution : def findSpecialInteger ( self , arr : List[ int ]) -> int : n = len (arr) start = 0 end = n hm = defaultdict() for i in arr: hm[i] = hm.get(i, 0 )+ 1 for i in hm: if hm[i]>n// 4 : return i Now we will go through the code. Step 1: Initializatio...