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1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling

Hi everyone, Today's post is little bit intriguing to me as it took me some time to get t the solution. I have been out of practice for a bit so I was not able to do it in the DP. I didn't want to copy the code. Though i understood the code after i checked its solution in the discussions. Anyways, i tried to do it with heap and with some thinking I was able to do it and with my surprise It performed real well. I would like to jump to the solution but first I would like to explain a little bit about heaps so you can get better understanding of the code. A heap is like a special type of list where the smallest (or largest) item is always at the front. Think of it like a priority line at a theme park, where the person with the highest priority goes to the front. There are two types of heaps: Min Heap: The smallest item is at the front. It's like standing in a line where the shortest person is always at the front. Max Heap: The largest item is at the front. It's like stand

1456, Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length

Hi, folks today I am here with an interesting coding problem from Leetcode. *To directly go to the question please click here. So I will walk through the solution. It will be a brute force and an optimized way solution. I will be explaining the optimized way solutions in depth. # Intuition For any substring of length k, we need to find how many vowels are there in it and provide the highest count of all counts of vowels in a substring. Test Case 1 Input k = 2 and s='asjdee' Output - 2 Explanation: As for substring of length k=2, in the string 's' we have 'ee' when the length is k and the vowels count is 2 Test Case 2 Input k=3 and s='aasdiisdwe' Output - 2 Explanation - For all the substrings with length k = 3 we have 'aas' and 'dii' with 2 vowels each in it. Brute Force - Looping (twice) - Gives TLE (Not recommended) # Approach Create a hashmap (dictionary) with all the vowels in it. Loop through the string till len(s)-k element of strin

1287. Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array

Hi, Today i bring you new Leetcode problem. Its an easy one :) The problem is - Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array As qs. explains itself we need to find a number that appears 25% times or more than the length of he array. So for example if array has length of 8 then the resultant number should appear 2 or more times. The constraints given are - 1 <= arr.length <= 100, 0 <= arr[i] <= 10 5 So, lets look at the cases which we may encounter. 1. if length is 1. then the number itself is the result. 2. if length is divisibe by 4 3. if length is not divisible by 4. Let's look at the code now...  class Solution : def findSpecialInteger ( self , arr : List[ int ]) -> int : n = len (arr) start = 0 end = n hm = defaultdict() for i in arr: hm[i] = hm.get(i, 0 )+ 1 for i in hm: if hm[i]>n// 4 : return i Now we will go through the code. Step 1: Initializatio