Problem Overview The Group Anagrams problem is a common challenge in coding interviews and competitive programming. The goal is to group a list of strings such that all anagrams are placed in the same group. Anagrams are words that contain the same characters but in different orders. For example, given the input ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"] , the expected output is [['eat', 'tea', 'ate'], ['tan', 'nat'], ['bat']] . Approach and Solution In this blog post, we'll discuss an efficient solution using Python's built-in data structures. The provided code uses a dictionary to group the anagrams. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the approach: Code Breakdown Explanation Initialization: We use defaultdict from the collections module to create a dictionary ( hm ) where each key will map to a list of anagrams. This is useful because it automatically initializes ...