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Showing posts from October, 2024

1963. Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced

The Minimum Swaps for Balanced Brackets problem is a common challenge in coding interviews, especially in companies like FAANG. It involves transforming a string of brackets into a balanced sequence with the minimum number of swaps. In this article, we will explore an optimized approach to solving this problem using Python, focusing on improving efficiency with a linear time complexity. By the end of this guide, you'll have a deep understanding of how to minimize swaps in an unbalanced sequence of brackets. Understanding the Problem The problem revolves around a string consisting of opening ( [ ) and closing ( ] ) brackets. The task is to rearrange the brackets so that the string is balanced, with the condition that the number of swaps must be minimized. For example: Input: s = "]]][[[" Output: 1 In this example, a single swap between the second ] and first [ will balance the string. Naive Approach and Its Drawbacks One common approach involves maintaining a stack to t...