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World's first super super computer.

Its the era of computers and everyone knows what they do, its advantages and disadvantages but somehow people saw need of more advanced tech which can solve billions and trillions parts calculation in milliseconds or more quickly.
Sunway taihu light 

Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science, and are used for a wide range of computationally intensive tasks in various fields, including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, molecular modeling(computing the structures and properties of chemical compounds, biological macromolecules, polymers, and crystals), and physical simulations (such as simulations of the early moments of the universe, airplane and spacecraft aerodynamics, the detonation of nuclear weapons, and nuclear fusion). Throughout their history, they have been essential in the field of cryptanalysis.

Every developed and developing country began the race of building super computers and were succesful in building them. Some of super computers are Aaditya (India), Shaheen II (Saudi Arabia), Vulcan etc.

Now China is planning ahead of building first super super computer prototype by the end of 2017. Building super computer is digital arm race and china with this step mohing ahead in the lead.Last year, worlds fastest computer Sunway taihu light was reveiled by the country.This year according to state news agency Xinhua, the government has set its sight to build worlds first prototype exascale computer, a machine capable of making billion billion calculations per second.

One of engineer at country's National Supercomputer centre ,Zahang ting said that prototype will be ready till end of 2017 but the finished product won't be operationable for several years. He also said that this exascale computer will be 200 times more powerful than Tianhe-1 recognised as world fastest in 2010.


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