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CS 1.6 all servers taken down

CS 1.6 , most probably is the first game that any gamer played. The game contains sentiments and lot of emotions. Those days were marvelous when all friends gather at one place connect their PC's with LAN and the play CS 1.6. Those shouting, abusing, taunting were the things that made the playing more interesting and we all remember the stuff we do while those hang outs and after the game is over we all try to pull each others legs my telling the tales about the stuff we did while playing and the number of ways we killed other or how stupid someone else's game was.
Well all of this, all the fun and joy have ended now because ESEA (E-Sports Entertainment Association League) has put out a statement announcing that they are officially shutting down servers for Counter Strike 1.6.

Here’s the announcement from their website:
When ESEA was founded, the only game it supported was Counter-Strike 1.6. Although Counter-Strike had already solidified itself as one of the founders of e-sports, the growth since its infancy has been staggering. Through all iterations of Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike 1.6 has long been a fan favorite and will go down as one of the best games ever made, period.
In 2014 we officially shut down all CS:S servers, and today we do the same for Counter-Strike 1.6. For many of us Counter-Strike 1.6 has played a large role in our life, from being the basis of lifetime friendships to developing e-sports legends that many of us still look up to today. It ultimately is what allowed ESEA to be what it is today. 
As a token of our appreciation for all of those who have been with us since the start, all current ESEA Premium and Insider members who have previously played a Counter-Strike 1.6 pug, before matchmaking was released, will have a special badge placed on their profile in the near future. 
The future is bright for Counter-Strike in esports, and Counter-Strike is here to stay with Global Offensive leading the way. It’s not going anywhere and neither is ESEA. Here’s to another 14 more years, and beyond!
You can however, still play the game, it’s just the official ESEA servers that are down.


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