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Path Guide

What if you are new in your locality and you are not that much familiar with the streets. What will you do? The only answer in your mind is using navigation device, but what if you don’t have any source of internet connectivity, what would you do then? Seeing right through this problem Microsoft took an initiative by launching a brand new app. We can call it offline version of GPS. The name of App is Path Guide.

How does it works?Unlike GPS which shows the precise outlining of the area for navigation using Internet connectivity. Path Guide allows you to navigate your streets without using GPS. The app doesn’t need the Wi-Fi either and is very useful for indoor navigation.

The app launched in available only for android users on Google Play Store. The Path guide app uses sensors on your phone to record every movement in a particular area, or even in the city. Path Guide app allows users can produce maps of buildings and permits them to make these maps public, allowing other users to search and travel their way throughout buildings. Path Guide app can also be utilized in multiple scenarios like recording every step you take and distance you traveled within the building. The app also enables users to record audio, notes, and images which will help others who use the maps later. The app can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apkmirror.

Here's the description of Microsoft's Path Guide on Play Store:

"Path Guide is a completely map-free, infrastructure-free, plug-and-play indoor navigation service. It explains the ubiquitous geomagnetism and natural walking patterns to guide users to destinations along a path collected by an earlier traveller."


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