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Cartridge created by IBM stores 330 TB uncompressed data - World Record

Storing data have been the main priority every time. So, to fulfil the same companies have been developing the storage devices which are more efficient.

Grabbing the facts from History we will see how the storage devices evolved with the passing time. First the storage devices were equivalent to the size of big locomotive engine. The same have the storage capacity of 124 MB. Now we see the storage devices of capacity of 124 GB (pen drives) which now fit in our pockets. For more storage space we have got Hard Drives which have capacity of more than 2 TB.

Although, all the fact put aside we also see magnetic tapes used for storing. In recent years we have seen them disappearing but still are used in some areas especially in storage centers. The price and storage capacity are the reason behind the same.

Keeping in mind the trend of evolution IBM took an initiative. The evolution of technology is considered as the main priority at IBM. They have reduced the physical sate while at the same time have improved the storage density in an incredible way. Grabbing the new world record for capturing 330 TB of uncompressed data in a cartridge. The interesting fact is the size of cartridge is as same as palm of the hand. In case if you are not able to imagine the feat just consider 330 million books compressed into a single kinder garden poetry book.

Usually the magnetic tapes are capable of storing 210 GB and here we are talking about 330 TB. This simplifies that the density of this technology is 20 times to that of magnetic tapes. We can simply say that the area of recording density is the amount of information that can be stored on a given surface.
IBM and Sony have collaborated for many years as to capture information on magnetic tapes. “The result of this collaboration has led to several improvements  in media technology, such as the roll-to-roll process for the manufacture of magnetic tapes and better lubrication technology, which stabilizes the functionality of the tapes”, commented Evangelos Eleftheriou of IBM.

The cartridge developed would serve for long term storage, something that might draw attention of many companies. In a world where information is gold, it becomes more necessary to find secure place for storing the data. Whether its business purpose or some official use this technology will serve them all.


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