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How to unlock Windows 10 password lock.

As all of us are aware of what computers are and what are they capable to do. In some point of our lives we may have encountered the situation of losing our passwords. And some of us may not be able to regain the password. And in the end you have to format you PC which resulted in loss of your data. To avoid these situation here are some tricks to overcome the situation for Windows 10.

You can apply any method shared in this article. And they will be much beneficial to you. By following any of these tricks you should not be worrying about losing any data.
In my knowledge I have 2 methods

  • 1.       Using Command Prompt.
  • 2.      Resetting Microsoft account password

So let’s discuss all of them one by one.

·         Using command prompt.

Command prompt is proved to be most beneficial tool during these scenarios. But it might be bit dangerous if you don’t have much technical skills. So, in my point of view use this method if you are bit expert. Unless you will end up harming your PC.

STEP 1. Reboot your PC to see the Boot menu.

STEP 2. Choose safe mode and press enter to restart your PC in safe mode.

STEP 3. Click on start and open command prompt.

STEP 4.  Type“net user” to list down all the account running in your PC.

STEP 5. Now type “net user (name of account whose password you want to change) * .”
{in step 5 * is asterisk mark}

STEP 6. Now you will see command “Type a password for the user” and hit enter.

STEP 7. It will ask you to retype the password, do it and hit enter again.         
{the pass word you will write will not display so don’t panic.}

·       METHOD 2: Resetting Microsoft account password.

Other way to get hold on to your PC after losing password is changing you MS account password. This is the another way to log into your computer after losing your password. Apply the following steps to change Microsoft account password.

1.       STEP 1: Go to your smartphone or any other computer.

2.       STEP 2: Complete the instruction and answer all the questions correctly.

3.       STEP 3: Finally, setup a new password for your account and apply the changes.


1.       Doesn’t work on local administrators.

2.       Changing Microsoft account password will also change the passwords for all other Microsoft services that you are using.

The same method holds for every window whether it is Windows 7 or 8


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