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10 things to look for while setting up Windows 10.

Got a new Laptop or PC?
Be smart and welcome the new member with some 'of course' measures. Here are a few things you need to look for while setting up.

  1. Check for Updates.

    Microsoft provides windows update every now and then. Your new laptop checks for updates automatically that is the default feature. You can check them manually too by going to Settings>Update & Security>Check for updates. You can also type Updates in Search box present in the taskbar. You can check for updates (if any) whenever you want and if you feel a need to turn off the updates you can do that too. But after turning off the updates your Laptop will no longer hold the authority of updating automatically while connected to any network, though it will notify you about the update.
  2. Adjust display settings.

    It is really cool if you bought a laptop having razor-sharp 1080 or above high-resolution display. This resolution provides incredibly sharp and crisp images moreover the text look smaller and its hard to read. Lowering the resolution won't help because the images will get little fuzzy. Windows 0, however, provides you with the accessibility of adjusting your display as you desire. You can increase the size of your text, icons, and apps.

    To look for the Display settings, Right click on the screen and select Display Settings. Here you are able to adjust the appearances as by your wish.
  3. Choose a Power Plan.

    Laptops are provided with different types of batteries and it depends on the feature they will perform. By default, the Balanced option is selected and this is the recommended option. Your Laptop does not need to run on full power all the time. You can choose Power saver to lengthen the battery life. Or you can choose High-Performance plan when engaged in serious graphics work.

    To choose the battery plan as per your wish click on the Battery icon in the right corner of the taskbar and click Power & Sleep Settings>Additional Power Settings to select a power plan.
  4. Set up a Default Browser

    By default, Microsoft Edge Browser is the default Browser but when you install new browser and want to change the default browser, you can do following the following steps.

    Go to Settings>System>Apps>Default Apps and click on the desired browser you want to use.
  5. Set Installation Tolerance Level.

    This borrowed feature from Apple's book with an additional setting that lets you control which types of apps are allowed to be installed on your PC. This one is for the users who upgraded to Windows Creator Update or Fall Creators update.

    To look for this feature, go to Settings>Apps>Apps & Features and you can choose from following option to look for where you can install apps.

    • Allow Apps from anywhere.
    • Warn me before installing apps from outside.
    • Allow app from the store only.
  6. Turn on your Night Light.

    Staring at the unnaturally blue screen at night can shift your body's natural clock and make it difficult to get a good night sleep. Here comes another feature for Creators update, you can select Nightlight mode. Like in smartphones you are allowed to switch from warmer colors to cooler colors and vice versa.

    In creators Update, there's a setting to lower the blue light of your PC. Go to, Settings>System>Display>Night light settings. You can schedule it to automatically that allows the setting to activate at sunset or manually to set hours, that's your choice. You can also find Night button in Action center to toggle the settings on and off.
  7. Show filename extension.

    Let's take a situation that you are designing a web page and you need to give a link to the image and you don't really know the extension of the image. If its JPEG or PNG, so to avoid confusion you check the properties of the image. Windows 10 by default keeps the extension name hidden unless you ask it to show them.

    To do so, open File Explorer>View>File name extension. Check on the box and now file extension is no more hidden and it will now help you save quite an amount of time.
  8. Remove Bloatware

    Many PC vendors package new Laptops with trial apps which can not be installed. But in Windows 10 users are provided with feature to uninstall these unwanted apps.

    Go to, Settings>System>Apps & Features and check the list for such apps. If the app is not required a click on it and selects Uninstall option.
  9. Anti-Ransomware protection.

    Windows defender is provided with new feature to protect your Laptop against ransomware.

    Open the Windows Defender Security Center>Virus & threat protection>Virus & threat protection settings. Here, you will be able to toggle on a new option called Controlled folder access. It protects you against ransomware attacks that can lock you out of your data. By default, Desktop, Documents, Music, Videos, Pictures, but you are authorized to add others too. If the system is grayed out then simply uninstall the trial version of Anti Virus that came along your Laptop.
  10. Connect your phone to PC.

    There is a new Phone section in settings that allows the connection between phone and PC. Click on ADD a Phone, and follow the instructions to link your phone and PC.

    But setting up connection for Android is a way to easy, just connect your PC and phone through data cable and in your Android SmartPhone check for the transfer type you want to use and you are good to go.
    Thanks for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it. So, if you want me to keep you updated with the tech references in coming future please do share your valuable comments with me and also do not forget to share it with your friends....:)


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